Mr Fluffy House


Ngunnawal Country

A 127sqm family home in the leafy ‘garden city’ suburb of Ainslie. The building envelope blends in with (and was dictated by) its heritage context, the interior is unexpected; centred around a courtyard, it is bright, open, and highly efficient.

Mr Fluffy House


Ngunnawal Country

A 127sqm family home in the leafy ‘garden city’ suburb of Ainslie. The building envelope blends in with (and was dictated by) its heritage context, the interior is unexpected; centred around a courtyard, it is bright, open, and highly efficient.

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Builder: MegaFlora Group

Structural Engineer:

Photographer: Anne Stroud

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Heritage overlays limited the house to 127 sqm (as per the original dwelling) and required the near-exact external appearance to be replicated. These unique site conditions created a challenge for us when asked to design a family home for a modern lifestyle. With a modest budget and a compact footprint, we saw this as an experiment in a more attainable type of architecture, that which is more accessible, more affordable, but still underpinned by good design and best practice.

The major design move was to introduce a courtyard within the footprint, bringing light into the centre of the house, visual connection between rooms and increased natural ventilation. The material selection aims to be modern yet timeless and adaptable to suit future generations and future use of the home. A raked ceiling with exposed rafters increases the sense of scale over the living and dining spaces, blackbutt floors create a warmth throughout and colour and texture is used throughout to interest and contrast.

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